Experimental methods in particle physics - 2019 - Gabriella Pásztor

Topics and slides

Previous years

Slides from 2015: 1 2 3

Further reading

D.H. Perkins: Introduction to High Energy Physics (Addison-Wesley 1987)

R.N. Cahn, G. Goldhaber: Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics (Cambridge University Press 1989)


1. Homework gives 30% of the total score. The problems are given after each lecture and the solutions can be handed in until the beginning of the next lecture (Tuesday 12:05) hand written. Only the 8 highest scored homeworks of the year are considered for each student. In the case of identical ("copied") homeworks, all parties get 0 score.

2. The written exam gives 70% of the total score. It will take place on 31 May 2019. On the written exam simple calculations (no need for a calculator!), short and longer essay questions are asked.

3. Based on the homeworks and the written exam, a grade is offered. This grade need to be "defended" on an oral exam based on questions related to the written exam. Those who want to improve their grade have also to present a topic from a list provided at the end of the semester before the exam season starts. It is possible to improve your grade by more than one unit (one unit per one topic presented). The grade can also be lowered during the oral exam. The graded written exams can be consulted on the oral exam (or before it by taking an appointment in advance). The final grade will be entered into neptun after the oral exam. This can be revised - as customary - on a new oral exam.