Environmental Sampling III. 


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Details and aspects of the talks


There are two kind of talks:

a)    Environmental issue of your country

b)    Description of the issues corresponding to the classes out in the field

(Air Quality, Water sampling, Soil+Noise measurements)


1. The timing of the talks:















2. The timing of one talk

10 minutes ppt talk, 10 minutes discussion, 5 minutes change of speakers, 5 minutes delays


3. The suggested structure of the talks:

1. slide: introduction to the topic or to the aims of the talk (1 minute),

2. slide: sampling points, instruments used  (1 minute),

3. slide: how was the measurement and the preparation (1 minute)

4-5. slides: results (3 minutes),

6. slide: uncertainties  (1 minute),

7. slide: conlusions, messages, discussion (3 minute). Altogether maximum 8 slides.


In case of the a) type talks, the structure can be different.


4. Technical details:


The slides should be prepared in PPT or PDF, do not use PPTX, please.

The file should be brougth on a pendrive to the lecture site or in case of teams it should be shared.


5. The aspects to reveal shortly but in a focused way: 

5.1. The measurement process, how the data was obtained. The measurement should be reproducable according to the bases of the description. 

5.2. Present the data in a reasonable visual way. Table or graphs according to the certain cases. Site map, mesurement points on it, data in column diagram or x-y point diagram, uncertainties should be set on,

5.3. The talk should answer the question that is the aim of the measurements in the conclusion part. The resulted values should be evaluated.


6. The aspects of evaluation of the talk:


6.1.       How well the speaker answered the questions in the discussion?            (0-100%)

6.2.       How reasonable the analysis was.                           (0-100%)

6.3.       How well was the units and dimension handled.          (0-100%)

               If there is calculation of uncertainties?                  (0-100%)

               Meaning of the standards and regulation are clear or not.          (0-100%)