Environmental Sampling II. 


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3. site: INFO PARK, House environment: soil investigation + noise level measurement

1. part:   field noise measurements

2. part:   soil sampling and sample preparation

3. part:   laboratory XRF measurements of elemental content soil samples




meeting point: ELTE TTK Lágymányos Campus, Northern Building, Entrance from the Danube.

Meeting is at 8:15, on the day determined in the schedule





The measurements aim the determine if a family house built on this site  would be a healty environment or there are some issues concerning the health risk of the owners. There are 2 aspects: i) the soil heavy metal content is satisfactory for growing tomato on the garden of the house. ii) the noise level caused by the traffic nearby the house is good for the normal life. 






8:30 – 9:30

9:30 – 10:30

10:30 – 11:30


soil sampling protocoll + sample preparation

XRF measurements

noise measurements


soil sampling protocoll + sample preparation

XRF measurements

noise measurements


noise measurements

soil sampling protocoll + sample preparation

XRF measurements


noise measurements

soil sampling protocoll + sample preparation

XRF measurements 


XRF theory + 11:30 measurements

noise measurements

soil sampling protocoll + sample preparation 


XRF theory + 11:30 measurements

noise measurements

soil sample protocoll + sample preparation



1) Soil Sampling Protocol + sample preparation 


questions:     Practicing a standard soil sampling procedure. Take samples for lab measurements. What kind of dangerous elements are there is the soil that can be risky for the people living in the house.


The issue here is to make a soil section using a spade and then determine the genetic levels, then taking average samples of each genetic levels. The detailed documentation of the sampling should be carried out including the precise positions, logical names of the samples, photos, descriptions. The sampling should be able to repeat using the description.


Background information: Soil Sampling Protocol description 


Then pastilles of each soil sample should be produced using the equipments in the laboratory.


2) Soil Elemental Analysis using X-ray Fluorescence Analysis technique


Method: X-ray fluorescence analysis


Sample preparation: Make an XRF pastille of each sampled soils. Give a name of the pastille samples which is not identical to the name of the soil sample of this genetical soil level sampled, because the two are different, e.g. their mass are not the same, moisture is not the same, dring process can cause changes.



i) Determine the energies of the peaks in the XRF spectrum and determine the corresponding elements.

ii) Discuss, in what kind of minerals can these elements be included,

iii) what is the original rocks it can come from and in what kind of environmental process

iv) Check if there are heavy metals, that are bad for our health.


Table of x-ray energies:   [1]  [2]


Background information: Environmental Physics Method (NFS) Chapter III., 11. section. 


3) Environmental Noise  Measurements



What is the effect of traffic and environmental noise on the people around Info Park area. Question of the sampling time, the question of the spatial decrease of the noise level and the identification of the source of the higher noise are the main goals.


Background information: Environmental Physics Method (ZAJ) Chapter I., 3. section page 31.