Environmental Sampling II. 


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1. site: OMSZ (National Meteorological Survay) Air Quality Reference Center (LRK)

Budapest, XVIII. district, Gilice square 39. maps.google.com: N47.430475, E19.181992


Additional materials for the Air Quality Topic: 

1.  LRK Textbook     2. Lecture in OMSZ   3.  Chromatogram analysis


Meeting: On the date described in the schedule at  8:00 – 8 :15    

Approaching the site is by bus from the „Kőbánya – Kispest” metro (subway) final station (KöKi),

duration time from KöKi is about 20-25 minutes!


Suggestions, please check it on the BKK webpage (Budapest Traffic Centre)



Bus number 184 (departs from KöKi 7:19, 7:32), take off at the 16. station = „Obszervatórium” (Observatory) + 5 minutes walk from there          https://futar.bkk.hu/route/BKK_1840   Check the current schedules, please, it can change!