Environmental Sampling II. 


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Schedule 2020








february 10.




aims and structure of the class, measurement environmental processes

february 18.




Chemical basics, cromatography, radioactivity,

Measurement uncertainties, significant digits

february 25.

preparation + lectures




3 Lectures about country’s issues

march 3..


lab visit




Visit National Meteorological Survey, at Gilice square

lectures, 6 pollution time series (2 weeks),  6 btex-voc analysis

march 10.





3 talks: smog alert analysis SMO, 3 talks: cromatogram analysis GCR and  3 talks: environmental issues in your own country

march 17.

spring break



remote classes start

march 24. 

Virtual Water Sampling



Virtual Water Sampling. See videos:  virtual lab (226MB),

youtube1, youtube2

and read documents:  RAD measurement page 192.

march 31.

Radon in water data analysis



Virtual Discussion session and

Calculation of radon concentrations of virtual samples 

april 7.

Virtual Talks 1



6 talks for radon measurements of the groups  RAD +

2 talks about environmental issues in your countries

april 14.

Virtual Soil Sampling + Soil measurement data 

Water Sampling



See videos: virtual lab (1.1 GB)

youtube1  youtube2 + virtual data for home analysis

Read documents:  NFS measurement Chapter III. Meas 11. page 118.

april 21.

Virtual Talks 2



Environmental Issues in your country   6 talks


april 28.

Virtual Talks 3



soil XRF talks (6 talks)


may 5.


Soil XRF


online test in 3 topics: Water Sampling and RAD + Info Park Soil Sampling and XRF + OMSZ LRK Air Quality and chromatography

may 12.




online test retake if necessary


Environmental issues in your own countries lectures


Feb. 25.

Noor Yousif: Oil spills in Iraq

Isma Irshad: Smog in Pakistan

Sandugosh Abisheva: Semipalatynsk poligon 

March 10

Ibrahim Kipngeno Rotich: Renewable Energies in Kenya

April 21



Environmental issues in your own countries lecture possible topics


1. Urban heat island effect: description one case in  your country, and its parameters and effects on the summer cooling need

2. Urban street canyon effect of wind distribution in big cities in your country or in Budapest 

3. Energetic requirements of new buildings in your country (wal, windows, U-values, heat bridge)

4. Renewable energy power plants in your country, structure, operation, values of energy production

5. Investigation of Ivanpah Solar Energy System

6. Description and analysis of a wind turbine park in your country

7. Effect of nuclear power plants and hydropower plants on the ecological system of the river worldwide

8. Water sources in your country

9. Important contaminations in your country in the last decades

10. Analysis of the source of big smogs in your country

11. Nuclear Power in your country


LRK talks: groups B, C, E (btex) = GCR (gas cromatogram analysis); groups A, D, F = SMO (smog alert time series analysis)


Software for data analysis


Amptek mca files analysis [click]